Ordinances and Resolutions
2024-228 Amending Animal Shelter Advisory Committee
2024-232 Amending the 23-24 Fiscal Budget
2024-233 Amending the Master Fee Schedule
2024-234 Deputy Animal Control Officer
2024-235 Duties of the ASAC
2024-236 Animal Control Regulations
2024-237 Establishing a Summer Internship Program
2024-238 (P) Amending the 23-24 Fiscal Budget (Postponed)
2024-239 Making Appropriations for the City of Sandy Oaks
2024-240 Ratifying a Property Tax Increase
2024-241 Adopting and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes
2024-242 Ordering a General Election
2024-243 Abolishing the Planning and Zoning Commission
2024-244 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2024-2025
2024-245 Regulation of Fences within the City Limits
2024-246 Regulations of Driveways and Culverts
2024-247 Regulating Stop Signs
2023-218 Amending Park Ordinance
2023-219 Adopting Plat Fees
2023-220 Amending Animal Control Shelter Advisory Committee
2023-221 Abolishing the Animal Control Advisory Committee
2023-222 Ordering a General Election
2023-223 Repealing Curfew Ordinance
2023-224 Adopting FY 2023-2024 Budget
2023-225 Ratifying Property Tax Increase
2023-226 Adopting and Levying Ad Valorem Tax Rate
2023-227 Cancelling November 2023 Election
2023-228 (C) Amending the 22-23 Fiscal Budget
2023-229 Amending FY 2023-2024 Budget
2023-230 Amending Manufactured Homes Regulations
2023-231 Amending Garage Sale Regulations
2022-196 Amending Animal Control Regulations
2022-197 Selecting a Municipal Engineer
2022-198 Amending Position of Animal Control Officer
2022-199 Defining Use of City Parks
2022-200 Amending Position of Animal Control Officer
2022-201 Establishing Positions Within Police Department
2022-202 Creating Position of Public Works Director
2022-203 Creating Position of Webmaster
2022-204 Prohibiting Smoking In/On City Properties
2022-205 Amending Regulations for Storage of Recreational Vehicles
2022-206 Amending Ordinance Creating Animal Control Advisory Committee
2022-207 Establishing Position of Deputy City Clerk
2022-208 Ordering Election for November 8, 2022
2022-209 Terminating COVID-19 Declaration
2022-210 Terminating Winter Weather Declaration
2022-211 Adopting the 2022-2023 Budget
2022-212 Ratifying Property Tax Increase
2022-213 Cancelling General and Special Elections
2022-214 Levying Ad Valorem Tax for Fiscal Year 2022-2023
2022-215 Amending 2021-2022 Budget
2022-216 Amending 2022-2023 Budget
2022-217 Establishing Compensation for Chief of Police
2021-177 Extending the Mayor's Declaration of Disaster
2021-178 Regulations for Residential Rental Properties
2021-179 Amending Municipal Court
2021-180 Establishing Sandy Oaks Police Department
2021-181 Establishing Citizen Complaint Review Board
2021-182 Change location of City Hall
2021-183 Change Date, Time, Location of Meetings
2021-184 Amending the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021
2021-185 Amending Animal Nuisance Regulations
2021-186 Adopting Annual 2021-2022 Fiscal Year Budget
2021-187 Ratifying Property Tax for fiscal year 2021-2022
2021-188 Regulating Billboards
2021-189 Cancelling the General Election
2021-190 Levying Ad Valorem Tax for Fiscal Year 2021-2022
2021-191 Regulating Swimming Pools and Spas
2021-192 Approving Location of Four-Way Stop Sign
2021-193 Participating in Texas Municipal Retirement System
2021-194 Establishing Position of Code Enforcement Officer
2021-195 Establishing Administrative Intern Position
2020-155 Establishing Position of Building Inspector
2020-156 Amending the Master Fee Schedule
2020-157 Creating an Animal Shelter Advisory Committee
2020-158 CenterPoint Energy Franchise
2020-159 Extending Mayor's Declaration
2020-160 Adopting a Juvenile Curfew
2020-161 Repealing Ordinance 2016-40 Health Authority
2020-162 Procedure for Adoption and Amendments to Master Plan
2020-163 Ordering a General Election
2020-164 Adopting Regulations for Manufactured Homes
2020-165 Authorizing Issuance of Bonds
2020-166 Amending Ordinance Providing Regulations for Vendors, Solicitors, Peddlers, etc.
2020-167 Adopting a Master Plan
2020-168 Amending Ordinance 2020-163 to Include Extended Early Voting Dates
2020-169 Amending the Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020
2020-170 Amending the Public Nuisance Ordinance to Include Brush
2020-171 Adopting Annual 2020-2021 Budget
2020-172 Ratifying Property Tax Increase for 2020-2021
2020-173 Adopting and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes
2020-174 Amending Animal Nuisance Regulations
2020-175 Amending Office of City Secretary
2020-176 Providing Procedures for Licenses to Encroach
2019-121 Amending the Master Fee Schedule
2019-122 Amending the Master Fine Schedule
2019-123 Establishing a Municipal Court
2019-124 Prohibiting Parking of Commercial Vehicles on Private Property
2019-125 Creating a Planning and Zoning Commission
2019-126 Creating a Board of Adjustment
2019-127 Creating an Animal Control Advisory Committee
2019-128 Repealing the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Selma Texas
2019-129 Amending the 2018-2019 Annual Budget
2019-130 Regulations for Manufactured, Industrialized and Elevated Homes
2019-131 Amending 2016-37 Animal Control Ordinance
2019-132 Amending Date, Time, Place of Meetings
2019-133 Amending Commercial Vehicles Ordinance
2019-134 Amending 2019-131 Animal Control Ordinance
2019-135 Promoting a Trap/Neuter/Return Program
2019-136 Creating a Parks Advisory Committee
2019-137 Establishing 2017 Percentage of Uncollectible Taxes
2019-138 Establishing 2018 Percentage of Uncollectible Taxes
2019-139 Amending Animal Control-Nuisance Regulations
2019-140 Ordering General and Special Election for Aldermen Places 1, 3, 4, & 5
2019-141 Calling for a Bond Election
2019-142 Ordering Special Election to Withdraw from VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority
2019-143 Regulating Garage Sales
2019-144 Adopting Annual 2019-2020 Budget
2019-145 Establishing Policy for Citizens to be Heard
2019-146 Ratifying Property Tax Increase for 2019-2020
2019-147 Adopting and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes for 2019-2020
2019-148 Amending Prohibition of Litter Ordinance
2019-149 Establishing Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances
2019-150 Amending Commercial Vehicles Ordinance
2019-151 Amending the 2019-2020 Budget
2019-152 Amending O2018-108 to Add Building Inspector to City Marshal Duties
2019-153 Adopting the 2018 Edition of the IFC
2019-154 Amending O2019-152 to Remove Building Inspector form City Marshal Duties
2018-83 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2017-2018
2018-85 Authorizing and Directing the Installation, Placement, and Erection of Traffic Regulation Signs
2018-86 Authorizing and Directing the Installation, Placement, and Erection of Warning Signs
2018-87 Appointing a Municipal Engineer and Approving a Contract with M&S Engineering
2018-88 Defining the Terms of Use of City Parks and Repealing 2016-64
2018-89 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2017-2018
2018-90 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2017-2018
2018-91 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2017-2018
2018-92 Amending Authorizing a Change of the Date, Time, and Location of Council Meetings
2018-93 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2017-2018
2018-94 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2017-2018
2018-95 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2017-2018
2018-96 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2017-2018
2018-97 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2017-2018
2018-98 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2017-2018
2018-99 Cancelling the Special Election Scheduled for Nov 6, 2018
2018-100 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2017-2018
2018-101 Establishing City Hall, Hours, and Opening Date
2018-102 Adopting the Annual Budget for FY 2018-2019
2018-103 Ratifying the Property Tax Increase for FY 2018-2019
2018-104 Providing for City Park Name, Opening, Rules, and Regulations
2018-105 Amending 2015-13 Section L(8) Adding Parking Within 15 Feet of Fire Hydrant
2018-106 Adopting and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes for FY 2018-2019
2018-107 Regulating the Transportation of Hazardous Materials Throughout the City
2018-108 Amendment to Correct Statutory References to the Office of City Marshal
2018-109 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2018-2019
2018-110 Creating Position of Interim City Administrator
2018-111 Establishing a Records Management Plan
2018-112 Limit Mayor Spending Power
2018-113 Outdoor Burning
2018-114 Refrigerators, Ice Boxes, etc
2018-115 Amend the Annual Budget for FY 2018-2019
2018-116 Defining Use of City Park
2018-117 Appointing and Interim City Administrator
2018-118 Health and Sanitation Regulations
2018-119 Amending the Annual Budget for FY 2018-2019
2018-120 Appointment of a Municipal Judge
2017-70 Amending 2016-65 to Amend the Annual Budget for FY 2016-2017
2017-70A Creating the Position of Public Works Director
2017-72 Amending 2017-71 to Amend the Annual Budget for FY 2016-17
2017-73 Creating a Parks Committee & Appointing Chairperson
2017-74 Establishing an Identity Theft Prevention Program
2017-75 Adopting a Fraud Prevention & Detection Policy
2017-76 Cancelling General Election Scheduled Nov 7, 2017
2017-77 Amending 2017-72 to Amend the Annual Budget for FY 2016-2017
2017-77A Adopting the Annual Budget for FY 2017-2018
2017-78 Ratifying the Property Tax Increase for FY 2017-2018
2017-79 Adopting and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes for FY 2017-2018
2017-80 Amending 2017-77 Amend Annual Budget for FY 2016-2017
2017-81 Amending 2017-80 Amend Annual Budget for FY 2016-2017
2017-82 Creating the Office of Webmaster and Providing for the Appointment
2017-84 Authorizing a Change of the Date, Time, and Location of Council Meetings
2016-37 Amending 2015-36 Animal Nuisance Regulations
2016-38 Amending 2015-32 Prohibit Sales & Storage of Fireworks
2016-39 See 2015-39
2016-40 ILA With Bexar County for Designation of Health Authority
2016-41 Adopting a Prohibition of the Parking of Motor Vehicles in Public ROW
2016-42 Establishing Regulations for Prohibiting Litter
2016-43 Adopting a Prohibition on the Discharge of Firearms
2016-44 Providing Rules & Regulations for Noise
2016-45 VOID
2016-46 Establishing Standards for Buildings & Structures
2016-47 Providing Regulations for the Storage & Parking of Recreational Vehicles
2016-48 Approving the Warranty Deed From WPPOA
2016-49 Amending 2016-44 Affirmative Defense to the Rules & Regulations for Noise from Fireworks
2016-50 Regulating Location of Sexually Oriented Businesses
2016-51 Creating the Positions of City Administrator
2016-52 Providing for Street Naming, Retaining Street Names
2016-53 Amending 2015-25 Creating Additional Line Items and Amending 2015-2016 Budget
2016-54 Repealing 2014-8 Establishing a Policy for Citizens to be Heard
2016-55 Amending 2016-42 Establishing Regulation for Prohibiting Litter to Provide for Abatement
2016-56 Adopting 2015 International Fire Code
2016-57 Amending 2016-47 Providing the Regulations for Storage & Parking of Recreational Vehicles
2016-58 Adopting 2015 Edition of the International Building Code
2016-59 Amending/Adding Budget Line Items
2016-60 Repealing 2016-46 Regarding Treatment of Dangerous & Unsafe Buildings with Abatement Procedures
2016-61 Adopting the Annual Budget for FY 2016-2017
2016-62 VOID
2016-63 VOID
2016-64 Defining the Terms of the Use of City Parks
2016-65 Amending 2016-61 to Amend the Annual Budget for FY 2016-2017
2016-66 Creating the Position of Animal Control Officer
2016-67 Ratifying the Property Tax Increase for FY 2016-2017
2016-68 Adopting and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes for FY 2016-2017
2016-69 Authorizing the Acceptance of Donations for the City Parks
2015-12 Establishing Conditions Relating to Health Safety and Welfare of Citizens
2015-13 Providing for Business Regulation of Peddlers, Solicitors and Vendors
2015-14 Establishing a Master Fee Schedule for Regulating and Assessing Fees
2015-15 Establishing a Master Fine Schedule
2015-16 Adopting the National Incident Management System (NIMS)
2015-17 Retaining Kassahn & Ortiz for Legal Services
2015-18 Authorizing Change to Date, Time, and Location of Meetings
2015-19 VOID
2015-20 Establishing Office of Code Enforcement Officer
2015-21 Establishing an Emergency Management Program
2015-22 VOID
2015-23 Cancelling General Election for Nov 3, 2015
2015-24 Cancelling Special Election for Nov 3, 2015
2015-25 Adopting the Annual Budget for FY2015-2016
2015-26 Ratifying the Property Tax Increase in the 2015-2016 Budget
2015-27 Adopting and Levying Ad Valorem Taxes
2015-28 Provide Imposition of an Additional Penalty on Delinquent Taxes
2015-29 Establishing Regulations of Informal Sale, Open House, and Real Estate Signs
2015-30 Establishing a Records Management Program
2015-31 Approving Contract with Tiger
2015-32 Prohibiting the Sale of Fireworks
2015-33 ILA With Elmendorf Regarding Transportation of Animals
2015-34 ILA With Selma Regarding the Holding and Disposal of Dogs
2015-39 Acquiring Streets, Easements, and Right-of-Ways
2014-1 Adopting Rules of Order for Meetings
2014-2 Procedures for Creation and Posting of Agendas
2014-3 Establishing Office of Municipal Attorney
2014-4 Abolishing Elected Office of Marshal
2014-5 Establishing Office of City Clerk
2014-6 Establishing Date, Time, and Location of Meetings
2014-7 Providing Two Year Staggered Terms of Office
2014-8 Establishing Agenda Item Citizens to be Heard
2014-9 Establishing the Office of Municipal Engineer
2014-10 Granting Franchise to CPS
2014-11 Exclusive Contract with Acadian Ambulance Service
2014-12 Adopting Position of City Marshal
2025-217 Approving an Investment Policy
2025-218 grant application for body cameras
2025-219 grant application for body worn vests
2025-220 grant application for a mental health officer
2025-221 grant application for State and Local Cybersecurity Governance
2025-222 acceptance of donation of surplus property from Bexar County
2025-223 electing a Mayor Pro Tem
2025-224 filling a vacancy for Alderman Place 4 by appointment
2024-189 Approving Investment Policy
2024-190 Establishing a P&Z Sub-Committee
2024-191 Appointing a Court Clerk
2024-192 Contract Amendment
2024-193 Appointing Delma Doyal as City Secretary
2024-194 Amending the Policy on Cash/Asset Control Policy
2024-195 Filling a vacancy for Alderman Place 5 (Unexpired Term)
2024-196 Interlocal Agreement for Designation of Health Authority
2024-197 Designating a Public Information Coordinator
2024-198 (P) Resolution Declaring Certain Property as Surplus
2024-199 Appointing an Interim City Administrator
2024-200 Adopting a Purchase Card Policy
2024-201 Officer or EE to Calculate NNR Tax Rate & Voter Approval Rate
2024-202 Approving a Hazard Mitigation Plan
2024-203 Appointing J. Matthew Jones as Chief of Police
2024-204 Health and Accident Coverage for Certain Classes of Officials
2024-205 Resolution for Maximum Proposed Ad Valorem Tax Rate
2024-206 Accepting Resignation of J. Matthew Jones as Chief of Police
2024-207 Appointing Nicolas Juarez as Chief of Police
2024-208 Resolution Verifying Completion of Cybersecurity Training
2024-209 Acknowledging Receipt of Certified Appraisal Roll
2024-210 Adopting a Policy on Medical and Psychological Examination
2024-211 Canceling the September 26th Regular Meeting
2024-212 Adopting a Policy for Misconduct, Hiring Procedures, and Personnel Files for SOPD
2024-213 Canceling the November 28th and December 26th Regular Meeting
2024-214 Canvassing the returns and declaring the results of the General Election
2024-215 Mayor Pro Tem
2024-216 A resolution of the City of Sandy Oaks, TX naming a public newspaper
2023-174 Approving an Investment Policy
2023-175 Amending Personnel Policy Manual
2023-176 Cancelling April 27, 2023 Meeting
2023-177 Authorizing Submission of CDBG Application
2023-178 Designating Mayor to Calculate Tax Rate
2023-179 Authorizing Healthcare for Certain Classes
2023-180 Acknowledging Receipt of Certified Tax Roll
2023-181 Verifying Cybersecurity Training
2023-182 Adopting Maximum Ad Valorum Tax Rate
2023-183 Rescheduling Public Hearing
2023-184 Declaring Property Surplus
2023-185 Cancelling Oct 26, Nov 23, and Dec 28 Meetings
2023-186 Naming Official Newspaper
2023-187 Electing Mayor Pro Tem
2023-188 Obligating Additional ARPA Funds
2022-145 Authorizing Use of ARPA Funds
2022-146 Selecting Municipal Engineer
2022-147 Fillinger Alderman Place 1 Vacancy
2022-148 Fillinger Mayor Vacancy
2022-149 Electing Mayor Pro Tem
2022-150 Authorize Additional Intended Use for ARPA Funds
2022-151 Filling Alderman Place 4 Vacancy
2022-152 Filling Alderman Place 2 Vacancy
2022-153 Designating Signatories for CDBG Grant
2022-154 Regarding Civil Rights
2022-155 Retaining Nomad Office Services as Webmaster
2022-156 Designating Chase Bank Signatories
2022-157 Appointing Katherine Yelton as City Secretary
2022-158 Appointing Priscilla Schmitt as Public Works Director
2022-159 Authorizing Execution of HUD Agreement
2022-160 Designating County Tax Assessor to Calculate Tax Rate
2022-161 Authorizing Health Coverage for Certain Classes
2022-162 Approving Increase in Tax Exemptions
2022-163 Authorizing Council to Volunteer Code Enforcement
2022-164 Authorizing Council to Volunteer ACO
2022-165 Cybersecurity Training
2022-166 Acknowledging Receipt of Certified Tax Roll
2022-167 Maximum Ad Valorem Tax Rate
2022-168 Terminating Scholarship Program
2022-169 Declaring Fiesta Medals as Surplus
2022-170 Rescheduling Public Hearing on 2022 Tax Rate
2022-171 Cancelling Nov 24 and Dec 22 Council Meetings
2022-172 Naming Official Newspaper
2022-173 Electing a Mayor Pro Tem
2021-130 Employee Emergency Leave
2021-131 Award of Professional Service
2021-132 Authorizing Submission of CDBG Application
2021-133 Appoint Felipe Lopez Chief of Police
2021-134 Ordering an Election
2021-135 Amending Personnel Policies
2021-136 Maximum Ad Valorem Tax Rate
2021-137 Repealing 2016-33 GrantWorks
2021-138 Prohibiting Firearms in Council Meeting Room
2021-139 Naming Official Newspaper
2021-140 Cancelling Nov 25 and Dec 23 Council Meetings
2021-141 Filling Vacancy for Alderman Place 5
2021-142 Appointing a Mayor Pro Tem
2021-143 Approving an Investment Policy
2021-144 Amending Cash/Asset Policy
2020-112 Approving an Investment Policy
2020-113 Establishing a Scholarship Program and Administrator
2020-114 Supporting a NIBMS Grant Application
2020-115 Designating a Health Authority
2020-116 Approving an ILA for COVID-19 Relief Funds
2020-117 Adopting Policy on Political Activity
2020-118 Accepting Donation of Vehicles
2020-119 Declaring Surplus Property
2020-120 Filling Alderman Place 5 Vacancy
2020-121 Approving Contract with Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson LLP
2020-122 Naming an Official Newspaper for 2020-2021
2020-123 Eminent Domain Authority Report
2020-124 Canvassing Election Results
2020-125 Award for Professional Services (CDBG)
2020-126 Approving Tax Assessor's Tax Roll
2020-127 Cancelling Nov 26 & Dec 24, 2020 Council Meetings
2020-128 Filling Alderman Place 5 Vacancy
2020-129 Investment Policy
2019-96 Declaring Certain Property as Surplus
2019-97 Approving an Investment Policy
2019-98 Filling Alderman Place 4 Vacancy
2019-99 Declaring Certain Property as Surplus
2019-100 Declaring Lack of Confidence in City Marshal
2019-101 Invest Funds in TexPool
2019-102 City Approval Requirement for OSSF Permit
2019-103 Amending Website Policies
2019-104 Providing Exemption From Vehicle Inscription Requirement
2019-105 Establishing a Police Crime Fund
2019-106 Establishing a Street Maintenance Fund
2019-107 Accepting Donated Vehicles
2019-108 Naming Official Newspaper for 2019-2020
2019-109 Eminent Domain Authority Report
2019-110 Canvassing the Nov 5, 2019 Election Results
2019-111 Establishing City Intent to Reimburse
2019-112 Cancelling the Dec 26, 2019 Regular Council Meeting
2018-85 Adopting a City Investment Policy
2018-87 Ordering General Election for Nov 2018
2018-88 Ordering a Special Election for Nov 2018
2018-89 Removing the City Marshal
2018-90 Retaining Beyer & Co as Auditor
2018-91 Authorizing City Clerk to Submit Eminent Domain Report
2018-92 Naming a Newspaper of Record
2018-93 Accepting Additional CPS Streetlights
2018-94 Canvassing Election Results
2018-95 Approving Agreement with Texas First Group
2017-42 Ordering a Special Election May 2017
2017-43 Approving Agreement with Bexar County Elections Administrator
2017-44 Electing a Mayor Pro Tem
2017-45 Approving an Agreement with Texas First Group
2017-70 Canvassing Election Results
2017-71 Approving an Agreement with Marcus Jahns Consultant Services
2017-72 Requiring Two Signatures on All Checks Over $100.00
2017-73 Electing a Mayor Pro Tem
2017-74 Ordering a General Election Nov 2017
2017-75 Adopting Amended Website Policies
2017-76 Naming A Newspaper of Record
2017-77 Authorizing City Clerk to Submit Eminent Domain
2017-78 Adopting a Hazard Mitigation Plan
2017-79 Declaring National Night Out a City Event
2017-80 Selecting a Municipal Engineer
2017-81 Electing a Mayor Pro Tem
2017-82 Retaining Beyer & Co for Audit
2017-83 Directing City Clerk to Perform Duties of Webmaster
2017-84 Cancelling Dec 28, 2017 Regular Council Meeting
2016-22 Declaring a Vacancy for Alderman Place 4
2016-23 Accepting CPS Accounts of WWPOA
2016-24 Authorizing City Clerk to Submit Eminent Domain Report
2016-25 Naming a Newspaper of Record
2016-26 Retaining Lawyer for Real Estate Matters
2016-27 Accepting Bexar County Health Inspection and Permits
2016-28 Local Government Purchasing Cooperative
2016-29 Approving Agreement with Texas First Group Replacement
2016-30 Accepting CPS Accounts 20 Additional Lights
2016-31 Retaining Wayne Beyer to Perform Audit
2016-33 Retaining Grant Works Inc as Grant Advisor
2016-34 Approving Submission of Application to Create City Marshal Office
2016-35 Adopting GASB 54
2016-36 Ordering a General Election Nov 2016
2016-37 Adopting an Investment Policy
2016-39 Naming a Newspaper of Record
2016-40 Authorizing City Clerk to Submit Eminent Domain Report
2016-41 Canvassing Election Results
2015-7 Authorizing Dollar General in City Limits
2015-8 Establishing a 1.5% General Use Sales Tax
2015-9 Adopting ESD6 for Emergency Services
2015-10 Approving City's Participation in HUD
2015-11 Establishing Post Office Box as City's Official Mailing Address
2015-12 Adopting Property Tax Exemptions
2015-13 Naming Firm of Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson for Delinquent Taxes
2015-14 Naming a Newspaper of Record
2015-16 Establishing Joint Bexar County Emergency Management Program
2015-17A Ordering a General Election Nov 2015 - English
2015-17B Ordering a General Election Nov 2015-Spanish
2015-18A Ordering a Special Election Nov 2015 for Mayor - English
2015-18B Ordering a Special Election Nov 2015 for Mayor - Spanish
2015-19 Authorizing a Contract with Tiger Sanitation
2015-20 Authorizing Bank Account for Reserve Funds
2015-21 Authorizing Alderman to Retain Position if Candidate for Mayor
2014-1 Naming A Public Newspaper
2014-2 Reporting the Outcome of Terms of Office
2014-3 Determining It Advisable to Join Texas Municipal League
2014-4 Determining It Advisable to Join the Greater Bexar County Council of Cities
2014-5 Gratitude to Committee for the Incorporation of Sandy Oaks
2014-6 Selecting www.cityofsandyoaks.com as Official Website
(As Approved)
Ordinances become effective based on Local Government Code Chapter 52